Actually those are not a curse, they are two of the names of the three falls we visited today. Near the city of Millaa Millaa (yes, seriously!), there is a waterfall circuit that we drove through the mountains to today. We saw the Millaa Millaa falls, very pretty. An Aussie couple we met said that it is supposed to be the best of the three. You walk down a path to a pool at the base of the falls; close enough to feel the mist. Very pretty. They have changing rooms so that you can swim in the pool--it is very shallow and perfectly clear. The next fall, yes Zillie, is only viewable from the top because it is surrounded by rainforest. My favorite was the Ellinjaa. Reached by a trail through the rainforest (?), it had a small stream at the base and rocks littering the edges. We had a nice picnic lunch on the side of the stream and little lizards came out to sit on the warm rocks with us!
I am having trouble (again) with my blog account, it will not let me upload photos (although Randy can upload photos and video to his!). Aaaaaargh! I'll keep trying and may need to contact the company.
We have loved having use of a free washer and dryer! We have enough underwear for every day! And not wearing the same sweatshirt, turtleneck, and jeans for days on end is nice as well!
I have noticed that in the US, we always walk on the right hand side of a path or sidewalk and I never equated that with cars--it was just what you did. Well, with cars here driving on the left hand side, people walk on the left as well! That has also been something to get used to!
Tomorrow (here) is Anneliese's birthday! We'll have to have a special treat or something. ; )
dang, i posted a comment and then forgot to do the little security code thingy (i would love it if you disabled that...). so anyway, as i was saying, i love waterfalls! how fun to see 3 in one day :-D