Thursday, June 23, 2011

Two Days Worth

Our accommodation had horrible wi-fi, it was hard to upload anything so I waited to do two days at once.  Yesterday we went to the Waka Falls.  A very short falls, but the gorge it flowed through was narrow and the water churned its way through, turning pretty aqua blue colors.  After that, we went to the Craters of the Moon.  It was actually a geothermal field caused by the magma below heating the water to cause fumaroles, craters, and mud holes.  It began in the 50s or 60s when a geothermal plant was opened and took a bunch of the water.  Since there was less water, the water that was left was heated hotter.  There was steam rising up from little holes and craters in the ground everywhere.  It was kind of freaky.  We walked around this for 45 minutes.  The mud pit was very weird--bubbling, spurting mud.  We made dinner and played hearts with the girls that night.  

Today we rose early, checked out, and drove to Hobbiton.  It was very cool--especially if you have read the books and/or seen the movies.  Until recently, it had been taken apart, though they had tours.  But now it is set up as a movie set for the upcoming Hobbit movies.  We were allowed to walk around parts of the set--even right up to Bag End.  There are no interiors, of course; but there are very windows and doors.  We were able to take pictures (we took a ton!!!), but we are not allowed to place them on the internet.  We can look at them and show them to others, but had to sign a  non-disclosure agreement to not put the photos on Facebook, blogs, etc. until after the second Hobbit movie comes out.  They will be continuing filming there in March (their late spring).  After that, they sheared a sheep for us to watch (Hobbiton is set up at a sheep station) and the children fed lambs.  Then on to our hostel--it is an eco-retreat.  Not plush, and very cold!  Some of the rooms are in old train cars on the property; we have one of two cabins with an weak space heater.  They don't seem to understand that being Eco does not mean denying oneself basic comforts such as heat.  They did bring us hot water bottles!   We went into town to eat at a pizza place.  We have found out that the ash cloud is back again; it has gone all the way around the southern hemisphere and is back again.  We were supposed to fly to Sidney tomorrow--our flight is cancelled.  We have tried to call Qantas to find out what we should do, but they don't answer the phone. We will have to just return our rental car and go to the airport to find out what is what.  They haven't cancelled the later flights yet.  I think they have to find accommodation for us.  Hopefully all will work out for the best.  I figure, I can't get all upset and stressed, because there is absolutely nothing I can do about it.  We just have to wait and see--however difficult that is.

1 comment:

  1. oh my, that's tough. nothing like learning flexibility when it's forced on you :-S. But can't wait to see your hobbiton photos!
